Jennifer Pollock (upper left) ran in the last federal election and was a public school trustee.
Teale Phelps-Bondaroff (upper right) is a University of Calgary Student representing the NDP. Teale also ran in the 2006 election. He was the only candidate who showed up at my door.
Randal Weeks (bottom left) works in Calgary's Oil & Gas sector and is representing the Green Party. I believe he is running for the first time.
If I missed any candidates I'm sorry, please update me in the comments.
Candidates sites for further info:
Jennifer Pollock
Teale Phelps Bondaroff
Randall Weeks
Vote out Anders
Vote out Anders on FaceBook
I was sitting in a public place writing this. Two seniors sitting across from me were going through their stock investments and talking about what they wanted to invest in. They didn't seem to be too happy. Then they looked at the stock prices for Maple Leaf Foods. Some snark broke out.
We haven't done a good job of protecting and helping our seniors but this has not been an issue in this election so far.
I wanted to go over and ask them how that life long Tory voting thing was working out for them. Can I interest you in some income trusts? How about some tainted meat?
Need to borrow some money for an eye exam?
Of course there are many more issues that will be ignored, and many voices will be drowned out by the noise machines.
Leonard Cohen says it best:
I can't run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they've summoned, they've summoned up
a thundercloud
and they're going to hear from me.
Yes, they will hear from me. Please recommend this post